Tuesday 24 June 2014

Cambridge Event

on saturday the 21th we did an event in cambridge and it was the last day for lucile withe us in cadfa, it was nice we hade good 2 houers befor we start the event many thing happend maney people gave talks lawoson who was volunteer in palestine me and shahad from palestine her and luile (the frenchey) for sure cadfa stall , palestinan food we made, we talked about the life under the ocupation it was amazing to see new people to talk to new people

Friday 13 June 2014

Thinking about what we've learned

Sadly it's Lucile's last Friday volunteer meeting as she has to go back to France at the end of her four months here.  We'll miss her.

So now we are talking about what we've learned in our time in CADFA.  Lots of things....

 English language

 Way of life in London

 About Palestine

Confidence in speaking in front of a lot of people

I did many things I didn’t imagine I would do – everything is different

 Communications with people, improved

I made new friends

Being part of a project, seeing the idea growing, imagining it, starting to implement it,

Preparing presentations

Lots of communications, links

 Ways to deal with students

Here I am starting from zero, it's been a massive experience in all ways

I don’t know everything, and in this new place I have to get used to people, it takes time

 It’s hard to live with a family, it can be noisy

 Being more organised at home specially sharing

 I learned from Cadfa to move on, keep going, if it doesn’t work, try something else.

You have to go in little steps

 I learned about myself, did different things

I am a perfectionist so it’s sometimes hard to start things. I learned that you have to start to do it to develop the idea.

Thursday 12 June 2014

On Saturday the 7th of June was CADFA Volunteer's  Day,  some of  Cadfa volunteers came to the event and enjoyed their time there.
The volunteers spoke about their experience with CADFA whether it was in London or in Palestine and it was a good chance to encourage people to get involved to CADFA.

We created a game at LSU school to show the British students the difficultly of movement in Palestine, and what Palestinians people face everyday to travel from Hebron to Nablus 
it was very useful and interesting , 
!! The girls said ''it's not fair !'' How could this people live in this situation.

Thursday 5 June 2014

Yesterday I went to west Wimbledon for Palestine Solidarity Campaign event .  I talked about growing up under the occupation. The people enjoyed the talk and asked many questions about the situation in Palestine. I brought with me  the CADFA  stall and Palestinian refreshments such as hummus,olives and Palestinian bread.
I talked about my town Deir Sammit, and how my people are suffering, I tried to explain for the people as much as I could  about my life under the occupation !
And I  was looking  to build a twinning links between my village ( Dier Saummet) and London.