Thursday, 7 April 2016

My first impression ...

London ، 31 March 2016 -  Rabab 

London life  

I left my French and my euros to discover England ! 
My first impression when I arrived in London was in the street. The rules of the road are reversed. The direction and priorities are on the left. The steering is on left. The underground system is not same as in Paris. Their directions and orientations are north , south, east and west. But I found much resemblance in colour codes on the tube map. All London buses are red and I had thought before that only tourist buses were red. Besides licenced taxis, I discovered there is a private system like Uber pop in Paris, which are called MinicabsMoreover, I find that Londoners are very open minded.
The wearing hijab  in London is very common and it is very nice to see this, because in France women do not have the right to wear the hijab at work. 

Kentish Town ، Camden 

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