Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Our new volunteers :)


This picture shows our youth meeting on Thursday. We discussed the next youth visit and gave application forms out. Yesterdaym  the the first two students returned their application form in LSU School. I am really happy about this. Next Monday we will start with the first preparation session. I am really looking forward to it.

Anyway, already more then a week past with our new Palestinian volunteers, Nadine and Momin. I am really happy to have them with us because the office is much more lively with them. I hope they will enjoy their time with us.


Wednesday, 22 April 2015

My first day in London

Hamstead Heath

Finally we are in London city. that I have already visited the same place 2 years ago with CADFA in the Youth Visit. I'm one of the EVS volunteers. I will stay here for 5 months im excited to learn more about London and England in general .

 I went to LSU school with Dunja and Emilio I had met two student who care about what is happening in Palestine. I told them about my journey crossing the Palestinian Jordanian border before I got my plane in Queen Alya airport .

Momin Taha

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Cricket Sunday

 Hi Cadfa Friends,

Last Sunday Cadfa organized a Cricket tournament in London, as a fundraising event.

The day was so busy, we  arrived to the Sports Centre with a lot of stuff  to prepare - a stall, the dome and the wall, Palestinian flags, posters, and everything!
When we put everything up and the tournament started; 10 teams enjoyed the matches with everybody playing against each other and the two teams who won the most matches played the final to fight for  the medals and the cup! Some teams were so professionals and they played so well, but other teams just enjoyed their the day, doing some sport and supporting Cadfa. In the middle of the day we stopped to have a really good and spicy lunch with everybody and we finished the day with the prizes.

The day was so lovely, personally, as a Spaniard without any idea about cricket , I participated in a team. I enjoyed my experience meeting new people, introducing them to Cadfa and knowing a bit more about the British culture.

Emilio Sanchez
EVS Volunteer

Thursday, 9 April 2015

The women's visit

Hey everyone,

The women's visit was the most intensive visit for me, because we traveled a lot. At first we spent a long weekend in Wales, After this we traveled to Blackburn. We stayed there for 2 Nights and on the Wednesday we took the train to Worcester. In Worcester and Blackburn people welcomed us warmly. They organised also lots of events where we had the chance to talk about Palestine and CADFA.

Thursday night we arrived in London and had a delicious meal at Te Amo Resturant.

Some of the Girls in front of the house we stayed
lovely nature

TAI CHI every morning to stay healthy ;p
Blackburn women's centre

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Our Travel in the Train from Blackburn to Worcester
Bye Bye Worcester.