Tuesday, 31 May 2016

I am a good chef

On 27th May, in Calthorpe Project, i had cooked a Palestinian food ( Tabula, and Mojadara ), With Wonderful staff from Spain. It was a good day ( i loved it ) .
Also the people loved the food so Why  do not we open a special Palestinian restaurant food here in London?  :) :) It will be  profitable :) :)

  On 28th May, we had two stall's one of them in Brunswick, and the other one in Calthorpe Project.

Festival in calthope project

We participated in the festival at the Calthorpe Project.
We did a stall about CADFA and Palestine 



arbic class in cadfa

Lessons in Arabic at several levels.
The Cadfa  volunteers in London teach the Arabic language at VAC in Kentish Town on Thursdays from 6 o'clock until 7 o'clock .

We start with the students in conversation and they learn the most important questions, then the numbers and the days of the week.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Learn Arabic in cadfa

Do you want to learn Arabic conversation??

Every Thursday at 6  until the7 clock .

Racism is fascism

Hizma village yesterday( on 25th May ), tall apartheid wall surrounding it and another was built during the past few days, but smaller one, to suffocate the village, to imprison a whole village, that's the real face of racism and apartheid, that's the real face of Zionist occupation.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

abu dis today

The Israeli occupation forces arrested David Ayyad, Shadi  Mohsen from   Abu Dis, east of Jerusalem after the army blew up the doors of their homes.
This is the second time in a week the Israeli army broke into Abu Dis night.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Our activities in a few days

On Thursday 19th May, I attended a wonderful evening for the Palestinian Animal League about Animal Activism Under Occupation with Ahmad Safi and Liz Tyson. They talked about the Zionist occupation of Palestine and it practices and their impact on the Palestine and animals in particular. They talked about the division of the Palestinian territories to A,B,C areas, control of water, the Separation Wall,and the Palestinian refugee camps (the Jalazoun camp for e.x), and the Checkpoints, Liz talked here about what she saw when Israeli soldiers shot to death a young man and put a knife next to him. Then they talked about how it has affected on the animals especially the Donkeys and Dogs.


On Friday 20th May, we went to DRAGON HALL to after-school club, and we practiced some games together.

                                                                                            17 Stukeley Street


On Saturday 21st of May, we had a stall in the Brunswick in the early morning, then we had another stall in Kentish Town Community Centre (KTCC) festival.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Israeli police forces demolish Jerusalemite home

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Israeli military bulldozers demolished at dawn Wednesday a Palestinian home in Shufat neighborhood north of occupied Jerusalem. Media sources said that Israel bulldozers stormed at dawn Wednesday Shufat neighborhood amid heavy presence of Israeli policemen who imposed a tight security cordon on the area. Israeli forces violently evacuated the house, owned by Rajeh Hawarin, before starting the demolition process. Hawarin stated that his house was built in 2001 on an area of 150 square meters, pointing out that his seven family members became homeless. Israeli authorities issued the demolition order in 2012 under the pretext of establishing a settlement project to link between Ramot Shlomo and Pisgat Ze'ev illegal settlements. In 2001, Israeli forces demolished another home owned by Rajeh Hawarin for allegedly being built without permit. Earlier Tuesday, two Jerusalemite homes were demolished under the same pretext. During the last four years, Israel has demolished homes in occupied Jerusalem on an unprecedented scale: House demolition for alleged "military need," demolition of houses built without permits, and the demolition of houses as punishment. They all have one result - thousands of people, most of them children, made homeless.

new photo about abu dis 17-5-2006

abu dis 

Sabotage inspection homes in the middle of  night

My lovely busy day

17th MAY 16 , it was a good day with RADIO ACTIVE 101 team ( Colin Rainey , James Dellow , tom) , with a new experience in the radio work .

Some info about RADIO ACTIVE 101 :

  • Start date            : Launched in 2012

    Short description :Engagement, informal learning and employ ability of disenfranchised people through internet radio and social media.

    Long description : 
    Learning through radio, learning for life!

    We are a pan-European Internet Radio platform, incorporating Web 2.0 functionality, linked to innovative community based pedagogies – addressing employ ability, inclusion and active citizenship in an original and exciting way. The Internet Radio provides an innovative way to engage, retain and develop those who are excluded or at risk of exclusion, and its low-cost, extensibility and sustainability, compared with FM radio for example, is a key dimension in ensuring the success of this project.

    Through actively developing, implementing and running the RadioActive101 platform and its national channels, the target groups – of older schoolchildren, young people, learning disabled and other people whose voices are usually unheard – develop digital competencies and employ ability skills ‘in vivo’ that are relevant to the 21C workplace. These competencies and skills will be accredited to provide a platform to further education or employment related to the knowledge and creative and digital industries. To quote one of the UK Youth workers who will be involved in this project: ‘I can’t think of one young person who I work with who would not want to be involved’.

    The consortium is led by the University of East London (UK), with other partners from Portugal (CIMJ), Germany (UKL), UK (Pontydysgu), Malta (KIC) and Romania (ODIP).

    Mission : 
    Learning through radio, learning for life.

    Location : University of East London .

    *Radio Event with RadioActive101 in Cass School of Education and Communities  - ED 4.03 11- 5 pm. 

    The Program :

The most enjoyable was the Interview with university students and we asked them three questions about Palestine :

  1.  What do you know about Palestine ? 
  2. How could you best support Palestine ?
  3. Do yo want to know anything from us about Palestine ?


    After this experience we went to see a play ( The Taming of Shrew ) , in Shakespear's Globe  with Annika and Nasima . It was really FUN