17th MAY 16 , it was a good day with RADIO ACTIVE 101 team ( Colin Rainey , James Dellow , tom) , with a new experience in the radio work .
Some info about RADIO ACTIVE 101 :

Start date : Launched in 2012
Short description :Engagement, informal learning and employ ability of disenfranchised people through internet radio and social media.
Long description : WHAT IS RADIOACTIVE101?
Learning through radio, learning for life!
We are a pan-European Internet Radio platform, incorporating Web 2.0 functionality, linked to innovative community based pedagogies – addressing employ ability, inclusion and active citizenship in an original and exciting way. The Internet Radio provides an innovative way to engage, retain and develop those who are excluded or at risk of exclusion, and its low-cost, extensibility and sustainability, compared with FM radio for example, is a key dimension in ensuring the success of this project.
Through actively developing, implementing and running the RadioActive101 platform and its national channels, the target groups – of older schoolchildren, young people, learning disabled and other people whose voices are usually unheard – develop digital competencies and employ ability skills ‘in vivo’ that are relevant to the 21C workplace. These competencies and skills will be accredited to provide a platform to further education or employment related to the knowledge and creative and digital industries. To quote one of the UK Youth workers who will be involved in this project: ‘I can’t think of one young person who I work with who would not want to be involved’.
The consortium is led by the University of East London (UK), with other partners from Portugal (CIMJ), Germany (UKL), UK (Pontydysgu), Malta (KIC) and Romania (ODIP).
Mission : Learning through radio, learning for life.
Location : University of East London .
*Radio Event with RadioActive101 in Cass School of Education and Communities - ED 4.03 11- 5 pm.

The Program :

The most enjoyable was the Interview with university students and we asked them three questions about Palestine :
- What do you know about Palestine ?
- How could you best support Palestine ?
- Do yo want to know anything from us about Palestine ?

After this experience we went to see a play ( The Taming of Shrew ) , in Shakespear's Globe with Annika and Nasima . It was really FUN .

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